Friday, February 7, 2014

The Camping Trip - SERE

After BOLC/WOBC, the last thing on my list to finish before actually being able to fly again was a simple little camping trip, AKA SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape) training.  SERE is somewhat of a mystery until you actually attend it.  Of course, that's to be expected since it's classified on the SECRET level.  There are a few things I can talk about, but most of it will continue to be shrouded in secrecy.

I will let you all in on a little secret.  I'm going to tell you what ONE OF THE WORST PARTS OF SERE is.  Regardless of what you will experience during the training, one of the worst things about SERE is.........waiting for SERE to start!  Seriously.  You'll here rumors about what will happen in SERE.  They'll do this, they'll do that, they're not allowed to do this, someone died when they did that, etc.  Most people psych themselves out prior to going to the course.  I know I did.

The best thing you can do (and this is easier said than done) is to just relax.  Don't worry about it.  Take the training as it comes and don't go in with any preconceived notions about what may or may not happen. The training changes often, and no 2 classes are the same.  I was told things would happen that didn't, and there were things that happened that surprised the hell out of me.

Before you go to SERE, make sure that you have a signed upslip, completion of Dunker, and the certificate from the online class that is required prior to SERE.  Without any of this, you will not be admitted into the course.  As far as the packing list goes, stick to it!  I brought everything including what was on the "optional" section.  I have heard of people getting kicked out for bringing things that are not on the packing list (i.e. food, or even food wrappers), so check every pocket of your ACUs and backpack before going to make sure there is no food or food trash in it.  However, you can bring extra clothing items with you (bring an extra pair of boots), you just can't bring them to the field.

I obviously cannot talk about what happens in the course, but it does include survival, evasion, resistance and escape techniques.  I know, big shocker.  If you want to get the most out of the course though, take it seriously.  You'll learn everything you need to know to get through the course successfully, and you might actually need to use it one day.  And remember, this is the last non-flying course that you have to get through for flight school!

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