Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Getting Ready

So, I had 6 months to wait from the time I was selected until the time I was supposed to ship off for basic.  There's not really much that you can do to prepare ahead of time, except for keep up with your PT, which is something I didn't do.  My biggest recommendation is to keep up with your PT, especially your running.  It will make basic training, and WOCS, a lot easier.

Also, if you can, take some time off before you ship out and spend time with your family.  Between BCT and WOCS, you will not see them for about 4 months.  If you are married, prepare your spouse to be able to handle everything that you usually handle (i.e. paying bills, vehicle maintenance, etc.)  You will probably also want to give someone Power of Attorney to handle any financial situations that arise while you are away.

Instead of quitting your job, you can actually take a Military Leave of Absence (LOA).  This will keep you legally employed with your current employer, and serves as a backup plan in case anything happens during basic, or any time after.  The LOA can last up to 5 years.  So if you break your leg in basic, and you get medically discharged, you will have a job to return to.

Other than that, enjoy the time you have while you can, because as soon as you ship off, you belong to the Army!

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